Haris Ahmed | Chicago | 3 Ways Leaders Deal with Failure

3 Ways Organizational Leaders Deal with Failure by Haris Ahmed Chicago Consultant

Haris Ahmed, Chicago leadership consultant, has always believed that the success or failure of a company, regardless of size or industry, all starts and ends with the person leading the organization. Be it the business owner, the CEO, or the president of the company—whoever holds the wheel is responsible for the future of the company. One of the things that entrepreneurs must learn to master, says Haris Ahmed of Chicago, is how to deal with failure in a way that will keep the organization moving forward. In business, leaders will experience failures in various degrees, and unless they have the determination to overcome these failures no matter what and how long it takes, the organization may never grow or reach its full potential.

For Haris Ahmed, Chicago change expert and CEO of Pragmatium Consulting Group, Inc., good leadership isn’t just about putting a good team together, guiding the organization in its day-to-day operations, managing finances, or marketing their brand/s. According to Haris Ahmed of Chicago, these factors are actually the more visible, expected, and predictable aspects of leadership. The more important factor in good leadership is the ability to handle the unpredictable side of running a business, which is failure or rejection.

Here, Haris Ahmed of Chicago shares three ways of dealing with failures or rejection. These are the following:

1. Acknowledge the failure or rejection as soon as it comes

Before you can even begin to address the cause of failure or rejection, you must first acknowledge its existence. Being in denial will not make the failure go away; on the contrary, it could fester and do more damage the longer you refuse to acknowledge it. A good leader must be quick to admit mistakes and has the humility and open-mindedness to seek the help of others.

2. Discover the lessons

Haris Ahmed of Chicago adds that in every failure or rejection, there is a lesson to be learned; and a good leader knows this. They are determined to unearth the lessons, and truly learn these because they know that the only way for them to overcome these obstacles is to discover the areas that they were remiss at.

3. Find a solution

Lastly, Haris Ahmed of Chicago advises that instead of complaining or whining until their faces turn blue, leaders should dive right into the problem to find a solution. A truly exceptional leader, he adds, is someone who does away with blaming others for what happened. They know that whether directly or indirectly, they are accountable for what happened. After all, the last say in every decision lies with them. Nothing ever happens without their approval, and they know this. Further, Haris says, a good leader wastes no time in staying in the “negative zone;” they know that they have better use of their time than wallowing in the negative emotions that failures often bring to the surface.

For more tips and insights on leadership from Haris Ahmed, kindly stay tuned to this page. To learn more about Pragmatium Consulting Group, Inc., please visit their corporate website.



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