Haris Ahmed of Chicago Firm Pragmatium Consulting Inc. on Change Agents



Haris Ahmed, Chicago Consultant Asks: Are You A Change Agent?

Haris Ahmed of Chicago management consulting firm Pragmatium Consulting Group Inc. has more than two decades of experience as an organizational change expert. He has also a decade of experience as an executive coach, having trained business leaders from both the private and public sectors. Read his blog below about change agents in the workplace:

It’s a known fact that humans fear change, probably more than any other fear. We resist change, not because we want to, but because we are helpless in doing so. However, the sooner we understand that change is the only permanent thing, the only constant that will greet us in our journey, the faster we can adapt and adjust to its effects.

Compared to humans who by themselves are already complex, corporations or large firms may have a harder time adapting to change. This may have to do with the structure or the size of the firm, or the management in place which, often, can make the change more difficult than necessary. For instance, rather than supporting employees with the imminent change, they may end up closing communication lines, which consequently causes everything to go downhill from there. But regardless of size, structure, or the people at the top, in no way do any of these factors excuse an organization from being more proactive with change – far from it. Businesses should actually strive to develop and care for change agents in their midst as they are not afraid to make a lasting impact.

First, what does it mean to be a change agent? In its most basic definition, a change agent is an individual who can help an organization transform itself. Often, change agents concern themselves with organization effectiveness, improvement, or development. That individual may either come from outside or inside the organization, and often, they will exhibit desirable and valuable attributes and characteristics.

Employees who want to be noticed by their superiors for the value they bring to the table may want to consider becoming a change agent in their respective organizations. To be a change agent means to be an innovator and a visionary – someone who sees how things can be made better and takes the necessary steps to achieve it. The good news is, there’s a change agent in all of us, if only that fear of change can be buried deep and surpassed.

In a nutshell, change agents allow themselves to be the catalyst for the growth they want to achieve. Change agents are not troublemakers. They may even be the first to say that change isn’t easy but since they’ve learned to embrace it and welcome it, change has now become a tool with which they can reach their purpose. In this sense, change agents can be understood as leaders in their own right, or at the very least, have the potential to be astonishing leaders – they only need to be given a chance to shine.

Stay tuned to this page to read more from Haris Ahmed of Chicago management consulting firm Pragmatium Consulting Group Inc.



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